Thursday, December 17, 2009

Identity Crisis

Mr. H can’t even remember my new name. Yes, my new last name that is also his last name. 
I ordered some wedding photos to include in Christmas presents. Being the efficient engineer that he is, he decided he’d pick up the prints from Walgreen’s since he was going straight home after work and wanted to get a head start on packaging the presents.
Here’s the scene from Walgreen’s in the closest approximation of Mr. H’s storytelling abilities that I can muster.
Mr. H: I’m picking up prints for Emily S****
Photo lady: (looks through all S orders) I’m sorry, we don’t have an order under that name. What is the phone number?
Mr. H: (may or may not have looked in his phone for this) xxx-xxx-xxxx
PL: Could it be under H****?
Mr. H: Uh, yeah. I guess it could be under my name. (looks at package) Oh, that’s her name too…
All this after we’d emailed back and forth and he explicitly asked, “Are the photos under your name?” I responded that yes they were and thought about saying my new full legal name, but I figured if anyone in this world knows who I am now, it would be my husband. Not so, not so dear readers.
Speaking of new names, can anyone else not sign their married name to save their life? I’m blaming the increase in the number of letters. Any other excuses I can use? How was it so much easier to append celebrity crushes’ names to my own when I was a middle schooler?

Mmmm. That's good cake.

1 comment:

  1. That's hilarious! :) I had some trouble signing my new name at first, but now I have trouble signing my OLD name... (my debit card is still wrong) (after the bank sent it to me 4 times) ha ha


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