Friday, December 18, 2009

I like bubbles

Well, for the 2nd time in a week I’ve had a mimosa brunch. The first being Kelly’s oh-so-fun holiday brunch (as recapped by Jill and Kelly). The second being a new company tradition.

For several years, my company has had a White Elephant gift exchange during the lunch hour. Last year this gift exchange turned into a potluck and just so happened to fall the day after our company holiday party. And one brilliant employee decided to bring mimosa fixings for his contribution. And thus the “Hair of the Dog White Elephant Gift Exchange” was born.

You guessed it. Last night was our company holiday party and this morning was our hair of the dog party. While last night was reasonably tame (until the 6th Street after party where trays of tequila shots were forced upon unsuspecting souls), this morning’s mimosa and breakfast taco brunch was still fairly entertaining. Oh, and did I mention the 4 (FOUR) mimosas I had over the course of the morning?  Please excuse any grammatical errors in this post. It’s just the bubbly working its magic.

So as I’m polishing off my to-go mimosa (to-go to my desk), the CEO comes around with a bottles of Malbec and Champagne. Now I love me some Malbec, but while drinking champagne, you must choose champagne. Plus, I’ll never buy myself a bottle of the bubbly (why? I don’t know. I should rethink that). And New Year’s is coming up and champagne is a staple for any self-respecting New Year’s Eve party. Though exclaiming, “I love champagne!!!” while drinking champagne directly from the bottle is a fast-track to making you that girl at your gathering. So I will not do that. No, I won’t. But I will say I really like the bubbles.

Like, really like them.

Cheers to you and yours, dear readers!


  1. CEO sanctioned drinking at work? where do i apply??

  2. I'll second that. ^^^

    Also Mrs. H, can you please send me your email address? I cannot for the life of me find it, and I need it in case you win the giveaway!

    Send it along to vlframirez at gmail pleeease :)

  3. Um I'm with Vic and JMo I want to work with you! Love me some bubbles.


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