Sunday, September 6, 2009

Wedding Week: Day 2

Well Saturday certainly had its highs and lows. I'll start with the lows, because those are no fun. My Georgia Bulldogs lost their season opener. It is very unlike us. BUT it's also unlike us to play a team ranked higher than we are in our season opener. Oklahoma State- I hate you. And I hate orange. The best we can hope for is OSU to continue winning. And yes, in my head that means beating Oklahoma and Texas. (Oh am I going to lose followers this fall...)

This time of year also brings back my yearning to be back in Georgia surrounded by other UGA fans and the pageantry the Southeast brings to football. Tailgates with bourbon, fried chicken, southern-style potato salad. Dressed in the most adorable red and black attire my college student budget can buy. In years past, I feel blue leading up to the start of college football season knowing that I won't be watching games with other fans and knowing that I'm going to have to put up with Big 12 coverage all season. This truly is the one negative about Austin that I can think of. So if listening to UT nonsense is the worst thing I have going for me in Austin, I'm doing pretty well.

So the happy stuff!! Um, next Saturday I'll be married. Which means my focus the past month has shifted from college football to flowers, gowns, and Canon in D. I am so ready for this wedding! Not just for it to finally be here as I've heard many bride-to-bes say. Because Mr. H and I feel like it's already here. On December 14, Mr. H proposed. Almost exactly 9 months later we will be wed. Nine months went by so quickly. The short engagement was stressful at times and I often hoped for more time (oh the number of additional DIY projects I would have done!), but Mr. H reminded me that I'm good about stressing no matter how much time I have. And yes, it probably would have been ridiculous for me to have 138 DIY projects for the wedding. We don't even have that many guests!

We celebrated the 1 week mark by going on our last "single" date night. We saw Extract at the Alamo Ritz. I give it a big fat meh. It wasn't all that funny, the characters were not likable, and the story line wasn't that interesting. I'd wait for the rental. On the other hand, Mr. H liked it, but agreed that we've been to much better comedies lately.

My parents arrive this evening! The only big thing we have left is to put together our out of town bags. It's almost here!!!

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