Thursday, February 11, 2010

Come Baccarat Soon!

Here's a look at Vegas week in pictures.
Dinner at Bouchon - Amazing!

Waiting for the Bellagio Fountain show. Love the lights!

The H's

Mr. H admiring the fountain

Jumping at the Beatles' LOVE Cirque du Soliel sign
We got half price tickets because we were staying at the Mirage!

Serious air

Waiting for another Bellagio fountain show. This one never started. Please forgive my fashion faux pas of athletic shoes with jeans. I had some serious blisters on my feet.

Old Town Vegas

Any Arrested Development fans out there? From the front this genie lamp looked like a chicken.Or maybe that was the football full of liquor...

Watching the Fremont St. Experience.

Dolphins at the Mirage



Sigfried and Roy's white tigers

Sleepy wait in the airport


  1. I can't wait to see Cique's LOVE show someday... looks like you had a blast! Even better, dinner at Bouchon!

  2. Looks like you had such a great time! Awesome! And I love Arrested Development... :)

  3. I love Vegas! looks like you guys had an awesome time!


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