Monday, April 27, 2009


No, not the show. My age! Today I'm another year older and I feel great. I've never been one of those people who dreads birthdays. Hello?! It's one day a year that is dedicated to you! I guess it's easy to say I love birthdays when that "another year older" still puts me in my mid-20s.

Each year I like to look back on the highlights of the previous year, be it good or bad.

* Mr. H and I settled into our first home.
* My family gathered in Austin for my cousin's wedding.
* The other side of my family gathered in the Missouri Wine Country (yes it exists) to celebrate my Grandma's 80th birthday.
* My uncle lost his short battle with lung cancer. We miss you Uncle Sam!
* Traveled to Denver for Great American Beer Fest.
* Crossed 3 more states off of my "to visit" list: Colorado, Rhode Island, and Connecticut.
* Obama became President of the United States.
* Became Mr. H's fiancee.
* Welcomed my first niece to the world. (Well, Mr. H's first niece. We were engaged when she was born so I say it counts.)
* The H's met my quirky family and didn't demand that Mr. H find a new mate.

Happiest day of the year. We're engaged!

23 was a good year. I have a feeling 24 will be even better. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday! 24 was an awesome year for me! And I know it will be for you too. =)


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