Tuesday, June 30, 2009

May 31 Wedding Photos

My friends’ wedding photos are posted on their photographer’s blog. I am seriously in love with her style of photography. Here’s a sneak peek to get you to look at the link.

Funny story. These two aren’t actually legally married yet. They forgot to bring the marriage license to the ceremony and have been having trouble getting all parties needed to sign it at the same place at the same time. I’m on call as a witness since the majority of wedding guests are from out of town.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Life Lessons From UP!

Last night Mr. H and I saw UP! And how adorable it was. This movie had more heart, soul and utter cuteness than any other movie I've seen for a while. I got mildly teary in the beginning, cried in the middle, cried at the end, cried when I got home.... you get the picture. And I think I said "Awwww" about 6, 481 times, not including the Pixar shorts played before the movie.

With that I give you 2 life lessons learned from Up!

1. Life is an adventure. It may not be the adventure you've planned for, but that doesn't mean it's bad. Just different.
2. It doesn't matter where you are or what you have as long as you're in the company of those
you love and love you in return.
Now I'll admit I'm normally a sentimental sap, but the upcoming wedding is certainly amplifying that. I know Mr. H and I will have many trials over the years, but that they will be outnumbered by celebrations. Maybe I won't get to live abroad for a few years. Maybe we won't have 2 perfect children. Maybe we'll have to deal with losing jobs, relatives, friends. Maybe we'll have to sell half of what we own to cover costs of medical bills or radical home repair.

But we'll be together through it all. And when I think about being an old lady who smells like soup, talks to herself a little too loudly, thinks her grandchildren are God's gift to the entire universe, and shares countless stories about the innocent days of the early 2000s, I want nothing more than Mr. H sitting beside me in his rocking chair reading sports and news, watching baseball, and turning off his hearing aid so he can get some peace and quiet.

Happy Sunday Folks!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Is it Time?

'Cause I'm ready. Cheers!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Venue love

Last night I fell in love. Again. With my venue. The Winfield had an open house with chairs set up at the ceremony site and the ballroom as it would be for a reception. Finally I got to see in person (not in my dreams, not in Jill’s gorgeous pictures, not in the 1 in x 1 in pics they put on their blog) this place as it will look on my wedding day. Ok, so not my wedding day, but someone’s wedding day. My vibrant plum-red-orange color scheme is a far cry from their simple but beautiful bronze and celadon set-up. Celadon is light green, isn't it?

Did I mention there was free booze, food, and Amy’s ice cream?

Oh yeah, and I just tried on MY dress. The one that gets to be nipped and tucked to fit me and only me. It pretty much kicks ass. And I’ll get to wear less than 1 inch wedge heels. No one loves a wobbly bride and Emily + heels + booze + nerves = hot mess.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Crazy Eights

Because I'm not sure what to say today (other than the dress is in!) and Rena posted this fun survey...

8 Things I'm Looking Forward To

  • Trying on my actual wedding gown. Tomorrow?!
  • The honeymoon (see below 8 things I wish I could do)
  • Staying in Austin this weekend
  • Football season. Go Dawgs!
  • Going to the Winfield open house tonight
  • Creating a wedding monogram
  • Creating/ordering transportation inserts for wedding invitations
  • September 12, 2009
8 Things I Did Yesterday

  • Went to work
  • Celebrated a coworkers birthday with Indian food buffet
  • Yoga-ed
  • Went to the grocery twice (morning for my work foods- yogurt and fruit. Evening for “real” groceries)
  • Cooked up a huge pot of pasta sauce
  • Watched last Thursday’s SYTYCD results show. I was out of town. Don’t judge.
  • Talked to my friend Steph on the phone
  • Read exactly 4 pages of my book before passing out
8 Things I Wish I Could Do

  • Take a vacation
  • Marry Mr. H every year for the rest of our lives so I can take advantage of all the other beautiful wedding themes I see on the blogs
  • See all my friends who are scattered around the country
  • Live in another country
  • Keep my basil plant alive
  • Make time to plant drought resistant shrubs in the front of the house
  • Find navy bathing suit bottoms to match the rockin’ bikini top I purchased a month ago
  • Read more
8 Shows I Watch

  • The Bachelorette
  • So You Think You Can Dance
  • 30 Rock
  • The Office
  • Grey’s Anatomy
  • The Daily Show
  • America’s Next Top Model
  • Golden Girls reruns

An Early Arrival

I just got a call from the bridal store. My gown has arrived a week early! Hooooorraaaaay! I think I'm going to try to stop by tomorrow after work. Now what? What do I bring? Do I take it home with me? When do I get alterations done? Will my $26 veil from eBay look pretty with it?

Can I go now... by myself... during lunch... is that pathetic?

Smiles all around!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Southwest Air!

And Happy Vacation to me! Rumor has it that SW is offering free drinks on all of their June 18 flights. It just so happens that I’m flying SW today. Score!

Mr. H and I are off to Florida for our last wedding of the summer. We’ve known the groom as long as we’ve known each other. He was also on that fateful study abroad trip. Jim was a wonderful friend to me on the trip. He patiently taught me about each of the different types of engineering as I had no idea what EE, ME, IE, MSE, AE, and so on were at the beginning. He also accompanied Mr. H and I to a special performance at the Sydney Opera House commemorating Mozart’s 225th birthday.

The 3 of us at the Ice Bar in Sydney

Plans for the weekend include…

  • Drinking free on SW
  • Going to the beach
  • Eating seafood. (Mr. H doesn’t eat it, but he can have a hamburger!)
  • Resisting telling all of the groom’s family that he was voted “Most Likely to Become a Dirty Old Man” on Study Abroad.


Shower Recap

I know you all don’t care about all the details of my shower. I just want to say how incredibly wonderful it was to have 15 women come to a party to celebrate my upcoming marriage. I was so overwhelmed by kindness. I don’t know what I’m going to do on September 12.

A few highlights:

  • My future sister-in-law drove 2 hours to attend the shower, leaving her 6 month old baby for the longest period of time yet.
  • The bridesmaids (minus “The Former”) took advantage of the baby grand in the room and posed like lounge singers.
  • Grandma also took advantage of the baby grand and performed a little song with piano and vocals.
  • Strapless dress + big boxes= faux naked pictures. One of the hostesses (a bridesmaid’s mom) declared that we should all hide behind appliance boxes, but when you get old you need to upgrade from the stand mixer box to a refrigerator box. That probably makes no sense to you, dear reader.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Holy Stand Mixer Goodness

My sister is the best. She gave me the KitchenAid 5-Quart Artisan Stand Mixer at my shower. Weekend recap and photos to come!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Where you always get MO

And I'm off to the Ozarks for the weekend. Heading to my home town in Missouri for my bridal shower. I'm super excited to catch up with friends, especially my bridesmaid that I haven't seen in 2 years! Wish me luck as I brave a connection in DFW-- tons of flights have been cancelled today.

Expected Events:
* Bridal shower on the top floor of the tallest building in the city (22 stories?)
* Wedding invitations are supposed to arrive at my parents' house today or tomorrow!
* Grandmother of the Bride fashion show
* Slumber party with the girls?
* Mom's homemade gumbo. Yes you can get shrimp in Missouri.
* General hilarity and a whole lotta pictures

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Morning After

Yesterday was Day 1 of Jillian’s 30 Day Shred. I was a doubter. Seriously how can a 20 minute work out actually work? How can you be tired and sore from just 20 minutes? Serious doubt. Until I woke up this morning and could hardly move my legs. What did you do to me, Jillian? I like to think I’m in pretty good shape. I do yoga and cardio interval training. Thanks for giving this busy girl a nice pre-wedding workout. My goal is to have a date with her at least 3 weekday mornings and 1 weekend morning every week.

In other morning after news, Mr. H and I saw The Hangover last night. Run, don’t walk to go see it. It is absolutely hysterical. And no, the previews don’t show every funny part. Afterwards, Mr. H and I discussed how well they handled the “just woke up and have no clue what happened last night” scene. My head hurt for them. My stomach felt unsettled for them. I felt dizzy and off balance for them. I could smell the stale alcohol and poor decisions in their hotel room. Despite that, I told Mr. H, “I’m kinda jealous they had a night so crazy that they suspended a piano bench from the ceiling with bed sheets and made a bowling alley with champagne bottles for pins. I want that minus the consequences.”

His response? “That’s my girl.”

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Simple joys

As I mentioned yesterday, we got our first wedding gift! That began an evening filled with tiny joys. When Mr. H got home from work, he checked the mail as he usually does and produced a manila envelope. Still at an elevated state of glee from the place setting, I (for the second time in one evening) squealed with joy over my new workout DVD—Jillian’s 30 Day Shred. More on that later.

Then we were off to Rudy’s for dinner with my former church youth choir. I’m not some creepy high school Harriet, the director is the mother of one of my oldest and dearest friends. Just as 33 high schoolers were about to gorge on smoked meats, one very observant 16-year-old says, “How are we supposed to get our food if our plates aren’t portable?” while looking at the wax paper Rudy’s calls plates. Good question.

Another good question is how these same 33 high schoolers only at 10 out of the 16 pounds of meat purchased for them. I’ll give you three tries to guess who got the remaining 6 pounds of various meats, 1 gallon of creamed corn, and 1 gallon of baked beans.

On the way home Mr. H and I stopped by Target so I could buy hand weights for Jillian’s 30 Day Shred. I also purchased Weeds Season 4 (haven’t seen it yet—no spoilers please!), 2 books (Something Borrowed and My Sister’s Keeper), a bottle of Chateau St. Michele Chardonnay ($7.99 at the checkout). I still love you Target.

I returned home to find 2 hours of The Bachelorette on my DVR and snuggled into the couch with a slice of Red Velvet cake. Evening of bliss.

Monday, June 8, 2009

The first gift

I got home from work this evening to find our very first wedding gift on the doorstep. I anxiously waited the 2.5 minutes until Mr. H got home, then tore open the box, and squealed with glee to see it was my (er our) first place setting! Not that I knew that 3 place settings have already been purchased...

Friday, June 5, 2009

100 Days

Yesterday marked 100 days until I will be Mrs. H. How cool is that? We ushered in my last 100 “single” days with quite the celebration. Coincidentally, parents arrived on Wednesday for a weekend full of wedding planning.

Thursday Recap

Tasting at Winfield Inn: I’d heard the food was good and it certainly lived up to that expectation. We’re having food stations so our tasting was more like a 6 course meal with champagne! I was so excited to finally taste the food we’ve been discussing for months and show my dad the grounds of The Winfield Inn. Even better, I ran into Vic who was there for her layout meeting! (And then had to explain to my parents that I have friends in the computer)

Flowers: My parents picked up a test arrangement of my flowers from the florist. Though the arrangement fell off the seat and was destroyed on the ride home, I can still visualize what they will look like when a professional arranges them, instead of my mom. They are beautiful.

Cake:  The benefit of ordering a cake from a bakery that doesn’t do sample tastings is that you get a whole cake of each flavor! This round we got Red Velvet and Mocha Almond Fudge. Verdict: Red Velvet is so overrated and rarely good. I’m done making excuses for you red velvet, though you are an excellent carrier for cream cheese icing. Mocha Almond Fudge=rich deliciousness.

My mom also came with a trunk full of gifts for Mr. H and me. She felt bad since my sister had 6 (yes SIX) wedding showers and I am having one. So we had a mini-shower last night where we got fancy schmancy liquer glasses and candlesticks that we’ll probably rarely use and fancy schmancy shot glasses and high balls that we’ll probably use frequently.

In case you can’t tell, my parents are basically the most generous, thoughtful, fun people in the world. I like to think the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Why Texas? Why?

Thank you to the Texas Department of Transportation, or whoever decides we need new license plates, and the fine people of the great state of Texas for choosing the ugliest, cheesiest, tackiest license plate. Thanks to your poor taste, our cars’ most prominent accessory looks like a white trash T-shirt.

Now the big question—do I care enough to pay extra for a “Save the Wildflowers” or “Education Matters” plate? Eh.

It has also been brought to my attention that the new U.S. passports look like patriotism and bald eagles threw up all over our international travel documents. My NPR crush and host of “Marketplace” Kai Ryssdal interviewed a woman who is also disgusted with the new, tacky passport design. Karie Jacobs says:

 When I travel, I try to be the Complex American -- a citizen of the fascinating, nuanced, multicultural, messy and basically decent place I know this country to be. But I feel like this passport blows my cover. It's like suddenly, against my will, I'm wearing ugly khaki shorts and talking way too loud.

Thankfully, my passport is valid for many more years thus delaying my receipt of a hideous passport. Oh wait. I’m changing my name in 102 days. Must rethink this…

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Former's Wedding Pics

My future sister in law (the former) just sent me the link to her photographer's teasers from her wedding. Don't miss the photos from their smilebooth either! For those who don't know, a smilebooth is like a photobooth on crack. It is a small room (not merely a booth) stocked with goofy props. Of course, the props are not nearly as goofy as the people posing with them! I can only hope that our wedding day is as personal and fun as theirs!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Rilo's First Video (Maybe)

Yesterday, I listened to some Rilo Kiley on the plane ride home from Atlanta. Today, I found out that Rilo Kiley was the lead Wilderness Girl in Troup Beverly Hills. Today, I also learned how to embed videos into blog posts. Coincidence? I think not.