Last night Mr. H and I saw UP! And how adorable it was. This movie had more heart, soul and utter cuteness than any other movie I've seen for a while. I got mildly teary in the beginning, cried in the middle, cried at the end, cried when I got home.... you get the picture. And I think I said "Awwww" about 6, 481 times, not including the Pixar shorts played before the movie.
With that I give you 2 life lessons learned from Up!
1. Life is an adventure. It may not be the adventure you've planned for, but that doesn't mean it's bad. Just different.
2. It doesn't matter where you are or what you have as long as you're in the company of those
you love and love you in return.
Now I'll admit I'm normally a sentimental sap, but the upcoming wedding is certainly amplifying that. I know Mr. H and I will have many trials over the years, but that they will be outnumbered by celebrations. Maybe I won't get to live abroad for a few years. Maybe we won't have 2 perfect children. Maybe we'll have to deal with losing jobs, relatives, friends. Maybe we'll have to sell half of what we own to cover costs of medical bills or radical home repair.
But we'll be together through it all. And when I think about being an old lady who smells like soup, talks to herself a little too loudly, thinks her grandchildren are God's gift to the entire universe, and shares countless stories about the innocent days of the early 2000s, I want nothing more than Mr. H sitting beside me in his rocking chair reading sports and news, watching baseball, and turning off his hearing aid so he can get some peace and quiet.
Happy Sunday Folks!